Pet Nutritionist
Pet P.A. is proud to have a qualified Pet Nutritionist on board!
Taylor will be able to assess and check your pet's nutritional needs and requirements, which could assist in reducing allergic reactions as well as reducing other ailments or diseases. Some breeds are more predisposed to genetic issues which could be reduced or prevented with the correct diet.
The most common issues we see are those with dietary allergies, and put your pet onto a food that will reduce or remove these allergic reactions and symptoms.
Whether they suffer from allergies, genetic predispositions or certain diseases, the correct diet can vastly improve your pets health and well-being, and potentially cut down on health issues later in life, as well as decrease vet visits.
The following consultations are on offer:
- In person nutrition consultations
- Online consultations
- Nutrition and Allergy advice
- Specialty Pet Nutrition for pets with illness
- Feed formulations
Contact us today to book your Nutritional Consultation for your best friend.