As the weather is beginning to get a little colder, it is important to consider how seasonal changes can affect your pets. The following tips will keep your pets safe and warm when the temperature dips.
· Keep pets inside as much as possible. Young pets, old pets and short-haired pets are more vulnerable to cold weather and should not be left outside unsupervised for extended periods.
· If your pet has to be kept outside, provide comfortable shelter for them and a well-fitting jersey if need be. Add straw under their bedding for additional insulation from the cold and provide a snug, warm bed that does not sit directly on the ground.
· Make sure your pets have a warm place to sleep. All pets, including small caged pets need to be kept warm and away from drafts.
· Do not overfeed. Although dogs may need an extra layer in winter, make sure it comes from a coat and not a layer of fat. Cold temperatures may even bring on lazy behavior and the need for fewer calories. Be attentive to your pet’s activity level and adjust their calories accordingly.
· Special care for seniors - Cold weather will often aggravate existing medical conditions in dogs, particularly arthritis. It’s very important to maintain an exercise regimen with your arthritic dog, but be mindful of slippery surfaces and make sure your dog has a warm soft rest area to recuperate after activity. If you don’t already give your senior dog a natural joint supplement to lubricate the joints and ease the discomfort of arthritis, you may want to consider adding one in winter. Just like people, dogs are more susceptible to other illnesses during winter weather.
· Help prevent dry, flaky skin by adding a skin and coat supplement to their food. Coconut oil is a good natural moisturizer that can help keep your pet’s skin and coat healthy. If you find your pet’s paws, ears or tail are dry or cracking, you can also apply coconut oil topically as needed.
· Bang on the bonnet of your car before starting the engine. Cats and wildlife may seek warmth and climb into the engine.
· Contact your veterinarian immediately if you suspect your pet has hypothermia.
Remember, if it’s too cold for you, it’s probably too cold for your pet, so keep your animals inside when possible.
Disclaimer: We have compiled our information from various different sources and we claim no rights to any of the information obtained herein.
