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This M-Pets Anti-Scoff Waffle Bowl will help your loved one to eat slower and appreciate the tastiness of their delicious meals more. It will assist in enhancing healthy digestion. The bowl is anti-slip so it cannot get knocked over and spill food on the floor. Do your friend a favour and provide them with a bowl that will benefit their health so you can love them longer.


There are dogs that eat slow and then there are dogs that devour their delicious meals within seconds. Eating super fast can be extremely risky and unsafe for your dog as they can choke, which can be a life-threatening situation. Gagging on meals can cause your dog to vomit and also have an irritated tummy. Unfortunately, we cannot have a chat with our furry friends about the health risks involved in gulping down food within a blink of an eye, but we can do everything in our power as their owners and loved ones to keep them safe from harm.

M-Pets Waffle Bowl

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